Thanks, sumi--I do know the pic, after all.
I can barely see the extreme pretty of his White Collar character in the
Texas Chainsaw Massacre
stills. He cleans up well.
Laundry nemesis actually had stuff sitting in the dryers too. I cease to feel even slightly bad. Inconvenienced, yes. Bad, no.
I have a spider in my bathtub. I tried to extricate it so that I could scrub the tub without risking its life and limb, but homey don't play that. It was about to get an all expenses paid trip to the great outdoors. Now it's going to have to flee cleaning fluids. Ah, well.
I did my laundry. Now I should do other stuff, but I don't wanna.
A funny review of a horrifying product: Ed Hardy brand sangria.
Because it deserves its own post...
Welcome Shane!
I feel minorly bad about taking their stuff out and leaving it on top of the dryers, but really. It's been sitting for about an hour. How long am I supposed to wait?
I think an hour is acceptable.
Tennant is denying he'll be The Riddler. He'd make a brilliant Riddler. Someone needs to get on that.
I hate the Riddler. Feh. But then I can't think of any other big-name Batvillain. Clayface has a lot of potential in terms of CGI, but he's not a biggie.
Dammit, for the second time today, I've managed to cut my finger on a random object. First, I was opening a package of croissants and sliced open my index finger this morning. I was just unfolding a box and the edge sliced open the outside of my middle finger.
I can't believe I missed this whole conversation. But it has to be BFF Misha (I'm sorry, there can be no C here), F Padalecki, and M Ackles.
(Also, ita, your Ackles pics skew way too young. I will try over the holiday to remedy this.)
Ouchie. Those kind of cuts seem to cause more pain than they should.
Packed and ready to go at 5:30 tomorrow when the shuttle is due to pick us up. Just checked the weather report and 3-5 inches of snow are due tonight. Please, please, please let it stay light enough that we can get to the airport safely and that our flight takes off at least close to its scheduled time.
Laundry was still sitting when I removed mine from the dryer. Slacker. Waiting would not have been an option. Someone else had started their loads.
I think if they can uncamp the Joker so successfully they can take the right path with The Riddler. As in, not Jim Carrey. No Penguin, no Catwoman, no Bane, off the top of my head.