This morning at Chez Zmayhem: I am writing up a brief profile on Jack Kirby for a website (yesterday I did Ted Hughes), Emmett is playing with Legos, I'm eating cinnamon toast and drinking coffee. When I'm done with my writing we will finish watching The Matrix. This afternoon we start our last baseball tournament of the season in Alameda. This is the one where we'll play some games with our regular team, and some games mixing and matching with other teams (including an Australian team).
In sum: Jack Kirby! Cinnamon Toast! The Red Pill!
A completely unrelated blog post, but also with good comments (amusing, in this case): [link]
Ta-Nehisi Coates and commenters discuss the "nice guy" thing: [link]
I meant to post something last night in response to billytea, who said something about there being nothing wrong with being nice, but if that's all you bring to the table, don't be surprised to be overlooked.
And what I was going to say was: there's a WORLD of difference between a nice guy and a "nice guy." The quotes are there for a reason. A nice guy is, simply, a guy who is actually nice.
A "nice guy" is a passive-aggressive self-entitled asshole who whines and complains that the girls he likes never like him back, because they don't like "nice guys." They aren't, actually, nice guys.
Sounds like a pretty great day.
"no one will go out with me" is a completely different complaint than "I can't find someone I like". I think most people fall in the later, but saying the former is easier.
People who are actually asking a lot of people out and getting nothing but rejections? Hate to blame the victim, but when it's everyone else, it's probably you.
My youngest nephew blew my mind when I first saw him on vacation--he'll be 13 in November, and he's almost as tall as me already!
At Nate's physical on Tuesday, they measured him. He's 5'1". I'm 5'2 1/2". He's absurdly pleased by the likelihood that by Christmas, he'll be taller than me.
A completely unrelated blog post, but also with good comments (amusing, in this case): [link]
That is completely awesome!
People who are actually asking a lot of people out and getting nothing but rejections? Hate to blame the victim, but when it's everyone else, it's probably you.
Same can be said of people who complain about their bosses or their co-workers or the customers at EVERY job they have.
They aren't, actually, nice guys.
That link would have been very helpful to me 25 years ago....
DDOS is Distributed Denial of Service Attack. I have no idea what the "distributed" part means.
Basic Instructions was just begging for hate mail.
Basic Instructions was just begging for hate mail.
"They are leech-men at best." BWAH!