Yeah, I was surprised they spoiled the remote wipe in the trailer. We reviewed this episode in November, before it got recut to include the "Echo" bits - some minor differences detailed here: [link]
Jossverse 1: Emotional Resonance & Rocket Launchers
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
Lots was eyerolly, but the turns were interesting. Agree I would have preferred to not have been spoiled for the remote wipe by the trailer.
I am so obsessed by the naming conventions, even though they made it clear last episode that we have no idea how many we're dealing with (and it seemed so from the extras in this one as well). Since they were all, "what happened to the last Sierra" I don't suppose we know anything about the numbers from the names.
But I love that Victor ended up being one and that I totally didn't catch that his name was one of the alphabet. I promise to be more alert the next time someone named Mike shows up. And I do think it's interesting that they didn't change his name for the role. Do you think maybe he met Paul previously, or during a null state somehow, and they had to keep his name for Paul during those assignments? Would Paul looking him back up unexpectedly explain any of the earlier scenes where he denied knowledge of the Dollhouse?
That is to say, do we have evidence in the past where Victor was not named, or didn't respond to his name, and claimed not to know? Where he could have been on another assignment or something and had Paul find him, thus confusion ensued?
I'm still kinda cranky about the jokiness of the sex/rape red herrings. Doesn't stop me from having a problem with it, just because you think it's funny, showrunners.
Also, it turns out Echo's a C64! You could play that data noise over the radio to wipe her! Or use a cassette deck!
Oh, that was totally modem and/or fax sound, Liese. Or C64. Ah, Comodore.
During assignments, Victor is programmed as Lubov. (Russian for Love).
I did enjoy this episode more, I was definitely engaged.
However, the midwife thing was so WTF that it took a while for my eyes to stop rolling. There are many medical professionals that can be found NOT from a highly illegal and allegedly sooper-seekrit organization.
The heist job was an excellent use of an Active though.
Surely there was a more likely anvil they could have used for rebirth and forgetting. Echo could have been overhearing a conversation or working at a hospital but not as the midwife, particularly not as the midwife in a remote cabin. How much information can they dump into those brains, anyway? Enough for any medical contingency? Also, we could have so lived without the heavy breathing intro.
It occurred to me that Victor could have been reprogrammed as an Active after Paul first met him, either by force or after the same threat of exposure.
FOX have been running an ARG (Alternative Reality Game) for Dollhouse over the last few weeks with people. It's finally wrapped. There's a recap of what happened here: [link]
It's arguably spoilers.
I agree about the midwife thing. They do amazing work, but those people could have hired a good one for a few hundred bucks. Next week: a rich maniac hires Echo to be the perfect fry cook!
I thought the point of the midwife is that the house was so isolated. They had to have the best because they couldn't get to a hospital. Echo probably had a whole backup OB/Gyn training in there.
Maybe they were famous...Angelina flew her Ob-Gyn from LA to France, after all.
did she really? awesome.