This episode also featured the dude who played the fear demon in Angel's Are You Now Or Have You Ever Been? (Tony Amendola)
In unrelated news, Dollhouse's ratings dropped again.
Willow ,'Bring On The Night'
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
This episode also featured the dude who played the fear demon in Angel's Are You Now Or Have You Ever Been? (Tony Amendola)
In unrelated news, Dollhouse's ratings dropped again.
I found last week's way more anvilly than this week. Last week barely seemed to have a story. This one interested me, which helped.
I couldnt' figure out how they got out at the end. The door they entered through was bolted shut and the guards had them trapped; so how did Echo and wassname get out?
The guards opened it just before Taffy stuck the guy with the drug that made him convulse and shoot up the place. Then Taffy threw a flash-bang smoke grenade, grabbed the art-lover, and hauled him through the way they'd entered.
I was bugged by the fact that the distraction in the beginning had to use Echo as a hooker,
I was thinking they had to set up a scenario where the security guy would think that she would take a bribe and take her into the office.
Did anyone else wonder if Alpha had to use the phone for a remote wipe? So, was he just waiting for Echo to use her phone? If so, did he know that she was in a situation where it would endanger her life rather than just piss off the client?
I find myself wishing they could scrap the premise and just have Eliza play Taffy all the time and pull off heists each week. That show I could be unreservedly eager to watch.
Now I'm trying to imagine Leverage with Taffy as Sophie. She can't be Parker, no matter what skills she's got.
So, was he just waiting for Echo to use her phone? If so, did he know that she was in a situation where it would endanger her life rather than just piss off the client?
Interesting. He may have been the antiquities guy's other client, but if Taffy had just chased the guy down, what then?
Maybe he's been haunting the phone lines just waiting for the first call.
I liked it. I didn't like the birth scene at the beginning -- anvils, as Steph said, and also? Who pays half a zillion dollars for a freakin' midwife? WTF?
Also, was the art-lovin' thief whasshisname from Buffy and Firefly? You know, philosophical vamp/old Browncoat who is delivered in a coffin guy?
Who pays half a zillion dollars for a freakin' midwife? WTF?
that was my thought, as well.
Also, was the art-lovin' thief whasshisname from Buffy and Firefly? You know, philosophical vamp/old Browncoat who is delivered in a coffin guy?
Jonathan Woodward? no, it wasn't him.
I didn't like the birth scene at the beginning -- anvils, as Steph said, and also? Who pays half a zillion dollars for a freakin' midwife? WTF?
yeah, I couldn't figure out why anyone would pay for an active as a midwife. I mean a GREAT stretch would be some dot commer whose spouse wanted the perfect midwife, but couldn't find one, so they paid for an active.
So, how much do we think that this costs? half a millon? a million?
The birth thing really made no sense. Vortex, according to Joss it's about a million. I can't remember if he said almost a million or just over.
Was Topher's confidante (sorry, can't remember her name) the same actress as Agent Lee on NCIS*? For a little while I thought she was going to turn out to be the remote wiper, but maybe they just wanted to show some more human interaction for Topher.
Yes, it was, and I immediately thought she was a mole as a result. I still think she could be working with Alpha.