No Prior Knowledge for Dollhouse
Jossverse 1: Emotional Resonance & Rocket Launchers
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
So...was I the only one who was exhausted from dodging the anvils? Over and over and over and over again? From the woman giving birth ("I want to forget!") to the utterly heavy-handed dialogue about art and showing reality and being broken?
Then again, maybe the typical FOX viewer isn't thought of as being quick to pick up on metaphor, so they have to pile them on to make sure that we get what's going on.
Was Sienna!Taffy wearing comfortable shoes?
They both wore the crazy leather boots with the pencil-thin 4" heels. I can't decide if that line was supposed to be ironic or not, because they both said it straight, with no hint of irony. As if the costumer didn't see the script.
I think it was supposed to be a joke, meant to be delivered straight.
The Alpha thing intrigues me. Topher being freaked out intrigues me, although I really want to see him die bloody, very very slowly.
The rest of the damn show? (Not just last night's, but the overall ongoing storyline.) Boring as hell. Ballard does not interest me one whit. It's been 4 episodes, and all we've seen is that he thinks he knows the Dollhouse exists, and he's been mindfucked hard by the Dollhouse PTB. The one lead he has (the picture of Caroline), came from Alpha, who is a dubious ally at best, and he hasn't been able to follow up on it. (Yes, I did see the promo for next week.) For me to really care about his quest, I need to actually see that he has more than just a suspicion that the Dollhouse exists. Otherwise he's just running around harassing people in bathrooms.
So...was I the only one who was exhausted from dodging the anvils?
To be honest, anything Joss does tends to be full of them. I'm okay with it usually.
I just checked, I'm wrong about the 'previously on' for this episode containing this episode's scenes - it's actually last episode's Previously On which contains this episodes scenes.
So...was I the only one who was exhausted from dodging the anvils?
To be honest, anything Joss does tends to be full of them. I'm okay with it usually.
I don't remember anything this anvilly since "Wrecked."
Can't stop the signal!
I'm midway through and these anvils are so anvilly they HURT!
Of the three I've seen, this was my least favorite. I won't go out of my way to watch again. If I'm home for #6 I'll probably tune in just to give it one more shot.
I'm midway through and these anvils are so anvilly they HURT!
Oh god, THANK YOU.
Was Topher's confidante (sorry, can't remember her name) the same actress as Agent Lee on NCIS*? For a little while I thought she was going to turn out to be the remote wiper, but maybe they just wanted to show some more human interaction for Topher.
Okay, it's time for me to admit it. I kind of like him. Yes, his dialogue is a little too cute -- I did expect Adelle and wossname to tell him to shut the hell up and get to the POINT already -- but it's the kind of dialogue I always loved on Jossy shows. "They're a little bit bison" made me crack up.
And yes, morally he's either part and parcel of the EVIL or so focused and unsocialized as to be emotionally disabled. But in a totally "I'm tired of thinking about the morality of this show" way, I like him. He makes me laugh.
(* Aha! Ivy, Liza Lapira, and yes! I'm always so happy when I make those connections.)
But in a totally "I'm tired of thinking about the morality of this show" way, I like him. He makes me laugh.
He's like Ben on LOST, for me. They're loathesome characters, but also the most interesting parts of their respective shows, to me. So while I want them to die bloody, I don't want it to be soon.