I very much thought about Vorkosigan, too!
OK, I'm willing to believe that a knife (or a stylus) is part of the compulsion, which does make it nicely alien-ish.
'Our Mrs. Reynolds'
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
I very much thought about Vorkosigan, too!
OK, I'm willing to believe that a knife (or a stylus) is part of the compulsion, which does make it nicely alien-ish.
Or the carving ... just be glad the compulsion is to carve WALLS.
"Why do you have a knife, boss?"
"Just hold still, Skye."
"Gotta write a quick note."
... for the next hour or two ... or three .... (or until Agent May hits him)
According to a post I saw on Facebook, Ward's brother
is a Senator.
edited for the cautious
Is that spoilery, or something I forgot from last season?
Oh, I didn't think Facebook posts were spoilery.
I want it to be that Simmons implanted some kind of neurotransmitter with remote viewing capabilities in Fitz while he was recovering from his bends.
That way, she never left him at all.
I like the idea that she is off on a quest of some sort.
Rewatching this episode made me like it more with each viewing.
Or she's off trying to find - or create - something that will bring him back to his full, brilliant Fitz-ness.