AVC reminded me that Fitz has the quarter walkie-talkie/beacon in his pocket. But yeah, I expect they'll be fine.
Jossverse 1: Emotional Resonance & Rocket Launchers
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
I knew that dog was dead the moment I saw him. So much of that Ward backstory was so on the nose that I think it could have been dealt with in one flashback.
I hate to be a cliche crazy dog lady but I knew it too, as soon as I saw that beautiful Chocolate.
I hoped I was wrong, but when I was not, I broke up with the show. Honestly. It was cheap, unnecessary emo-wringing and, frankly, working with abused dogs, like I have, I don't need to see the audience being schooled in how to prove you are tough by killing a loyal creature.
The 'yeah but they're evil' argument gives me no peace.
Dear Show, Stop Trying To Make Ward Happen.
Totally, and completely that.
Again, I say FEH.
It was cheap, unnecessary emo-wringing
It really was lazy writing, but it always works. (It's lazy writing *because* it always works.)
And yeah, whenever a dog is introduced in any storyline like this (I am looking at you, Matt Fraction's Hawkeye), I have to brace myself, because the dog ALWAYS dies (no Hawkeye spoilers here).
Unrelated to Buddy, I have to say -- for as many times as the show has brought up Magical Skye's Mystical Magic Sooper Secret Magical Mystical Origins, if there isn't SOME kind of payoff in the finale, I will be pissed. Otherwise, why keep bringing it up? Just get your goddamn superpowers, okay? Or GTFO. (I'm still not particularly a fan of Skye, although she has improved over the season.)
I may have to plead illness to get out of work in time to see the finale next week.
I may have to plead illness to get out of work in time to see the finale next week.
We have a standing dinner with friends the second Tuesday of every month that we've been doing for at least 5 years, possibly longer. And that's next week. I told Tim surely we could move it this month, right? (We don't watch enough TV to justify a DVR.)
Otherwise, why keep bringing it up?
Season 2 needs a plot!
Ugh. Has it even been picked up for a second season?
This episode did make Ward more interesting to me, at least. I still want him to die, though.
I would think they have to pick it up, it's a perfect vehicle for planting things that can be built off of in future movies.
I guess this episode definitely disproved the speculation that Simmons might be an unrevealed Hydra mole, if Garrett gave the kill order for both her and Fitz and Ward was willing to jettison them both.