The problem is they'd primed us to expect something HUGE for Coulson being Brought Back Wrong, so to find out really is Coulson, they brought him back apparently with medicine, but then gave him fake memories of Tahiti? Wha?
And come on, they couldn't have sent him to REAL Tahiti afterwards to recuperate? Fuck you, SHIELD.
No, it would add many minutes, decelerating then accelerating again.
A standard-rate turn, which is pretty gentle, completes a 180-degree heading change in 60 seconds. An aggressive bank can reduce that by a lot. With vectored thrust, even more. Fun experiment -- how many g's can the passengers take? And that's in coordinated flight, not yawing around slinging your people and cargo about.
Maybe it was a shout-out to
It was just as silly there.
How else are they going to show how cool the Bus is?
All I'm really left with is "Poor Mike Petersen." I actually yelled "No!" at the TV.
Yeah, I said, "Oh shiiiiiiiit."
The Coulson reveal was a letdown, but I liked the rest of the episode.
I guess they get kudos for "Hm, the Coulson thing may not have been as big as we were thinking it would be, better amp up the OS factor somewhere else and distract them."
I suspect this is not a show aimed squarely at Whedonites, which may be part of the problem, at least for us. The attempts at HSF seem to be aimed at a slightly less observant/obsessive audience. When we watch a show, generally, we REALLY watch it.
I'm enjoying it, but in a very low key sort of way.
I wasn't surprised to see Mike Peterson either - no body AND three or four conversations about how he was really most sincerely dead? Yeah, nice try writers.
I wasn't surprised to see Mike Peterson either
I wasn't surprised to see him, but the eyeball implant is what got me to react. Yikers.
Yeah, I knew he wasn't dead, but implanting him was a nice, chewy twist.
Does he heal quickly, or is he about to be cyborged even further?
I wasn't surprised to see him, but the eyeball implant is what got me to react. Yikers.
I'd seen his name in the credits, so I knew he wasn't dead, but, yeah, fucking eyeball implant nooooooo.