Eta: we have FOX Caribbean but it seems to synch with FOX stateside.
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
Eta: we have FOX Caribbean but it seems to synch with FOX stateside.
FOX stateside at the minute is supposed to be American Idol. Huh.
no, FOX stateside is 24. AI is tuesdays and wednesdays.
Yes, but I thought it aimed for the Onion and hit "My issues, let me show you them."
I am with erika here. I'm sure he was just being "sarcastic" and I'm sure I'm just being a "humorless bitch" but I still found he pushed my buttons in a decidedly wrong way. I found his spoof more offensive than the show.
I feel like he enjoyed depicting those things a bit too much.
Yeah. Found the thing offensive.
Find the show offensive, too, y'know.
wrong thread
Question: I'm freakin' 35. Do I still need to put my education at the top of the resume?
Also, I have 2 and a half pages. What are the rules there? I have my last three jobs (dating back to 1998 to show 10+ years experience), my event planning business with budgets/charity receipts, and my writing experience.
I wouldn't go over two, if you can manage it.
Do I put that my book was featured in Entertainment Weekly?
Yeah, definitely.
My sister's just started watching Dollhouse with episode 2. She's asked a question I sure hope we get an answer to soon: Why is Langton even doing this? He's been the closest I've seen to my viewpoint character, but why he even got involved is a very good question, and right now I'm more interested in that than in Paul's quest, for instance.
She's asked a question I sure hope we get an answer to soon: Why is Langton even doing this? He's been the closest I've seen to my viewpoint character, but why he even got involved is a very good question
Totally. It's the most interesting thing going on, IMHO.