Coulson came back a DOLL
That's my favourite so far (since I haven't read many comics with LMDs).
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
Coulson came back a DOLL
That's my favourite so far (since I haven't read many comics with LMDs).
I was thinking about the Coulson/Tahiti is a magical place thing.
I was wondering if it isn't code for something or that the truth is you have to have Level 8 clearance to know.
I have no guesses as to how Coulson came back. Or rather too many. Clone? Robot? Literal magical resurrection? But I'm betting that he does. At minimum he knows that he died, and that normal medical technology did not bring him back. I'm about 90% certain that he thinks knows what did, and about 60% certain that any attempts to mislead him failed and that he knows exactly how he was brought back.
Just watched last weeks episode tonight and I enjoyed it.
I do agree that Ward's 180 on Skye seemed a little too quick.
I'm actually enjoying the nods to the larger cinematic universe, but don't really need The Avengers to show up.
I liked the Sam Jackson cameo, though I was kind of surprised they brought him in just for a humorous scene after the second episode. I would have expected something more important and/or sweeps-related.
No SHIELD posts tonight? I liked tonight's episode. Skye reminds me a lot of Faith. I still think she can go either way.
I'm freaked out by/feel bad for the guy at the end.
Yeah, that was freaky but kind of pretty too.
Holy crap, that last shot!!
No muscle memory + "a little rusty" = definitely a robot, right?
Skye right now reminds me of latter-day Fred, when she got kind of boring and repetitive, except not played by Amy Acker. This girl isn't selling it for me.
No muscle memory + "a little rusty" = definitely a robot, right?
I'd say so.
The actress who plays Skye isn't great, but I did like her in the scene where she jumped out the window rather than firing the gun.