Now that I think of it: given how much nerd potential and hype this show has, I'm pretty surprised that ABC didn't give them a 2-hour pilot. Are those just not done anymore?
Please have more Dr. Ron Glass plzkthx.
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
Now that I think of it: given how much nerd potential and hype this show has, I'm pretty surprised that ABC didn't give them a 2-hour pilot. Are those just not done anymore?
Please have more Dr. Ron Glass plzkthx.
Skye is/was apparently working with this Rising Tide group. Or is she the Rising Tide group all on her own?
I strongly suspect she IS the Rising Tide, but there may be evidence to dispute that.
I don't think the people who jumped Ward were Rising Tide even if Skye has partners.
It seems more likely they are aligned with whoever is backing the doctor and sent the fake cops.
Based on at least one article I read, ABC was nervous as hell about greenlighting this at all because their demographic is middle-aged women and they were worried this show would only appeal to teenage boys. (Because as we all know, young adult white males are pretty much the only people who like comic book movies. @@ )
(Either a producer or a network exec was quoted as saying, and I swear I am not making this up, maybe women will remember Clark Gregg from The New Adventures of Old Christine and give this show a chance. Apparently nobody at ABC realizes that Buffy was on the air a really long time ago and that all the former teen Joss fangirls are now cranky old ladies rolling their eyes FOREVER.)
Apparently nobody at ABC realizes that Buffy was on the air a really long time ago and that all the former teen Joss fangirls are now cranky old ladies rolling their eyes FOREVER.
I mean, seriously.
Hill's line re: Thor's arms shows someone, somewhere, knows what some of the demographic is thinking.
OK, question. Did any of you get the feeling Agent Ward was supposed to be The Main Character? Because I've seen quite a few reactions around the Web that say roughly, "I like some of it, but the male lead is another Bland White Guy." And I really don't see that he was presented like that.
Yes, I think Ward is supposed to be the main character. I think Phil is the hook to bring in the Avengers fans and he'll be moved more into desk/control room work and Ward will be the field/interactor with guest stars person.
One thing I did like quite a bit in that scene - Skye in that moment has no idea that Ward has only had level 7 clearance for about half an hour. Coulson knows she's already hacked them, so he also knows Ward can't really give her any more information than she could find out on her own.
Ooo, excellent point, Jessica.
Looking at the show's about page, I'd say he is supposed to be the lead if Gregg is scaled back. He's definitely second to Coulson in rating (though Skye has an "and starring" character mention.
Team-wise, I'd be surprised if he was Buffy and think he might not even be Mal.