Sorry, Debet, I meant my response to be lighter than it ended up sounding.
Jossverse 1: Emotional Resonance & Rocket Launchers
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
I actually like the fact that Agent Lone Wolf has horrible people skills, rather than being a suave James Bond type (attractive, fit, can defuse a nuclear bomb, good punching skills, AND great people skills).
And I'm looking forward to more Melinda May. She's a stone badass.
I found the Back to the Future car thing annoying. It felt like "see the cool effect we'll never use again because our budget won't allow it!"
It didn't help that the opening credits for the show immediately following showed the actual Back to the Future flying car.
Plot question: Skye is/was apparently working with this Rising Tide group. Or is she the Rising Tide group all on her own? Those people that jumped Ward in the Parisian apartment, were they part of Rising Tide? And kudos to the blonde woman in the apartment who, upon seeing the plot falling apart, calmly got dressed and and walked out of there.
I actually like the fact that Agent Lone Wolf has horrible people skills, rather than being a suave James Bond type
I was annoyed by the fact that his poop-with-a-knife-sticking-out-of-it people skills are so stereotypically made-for-tv charming. It's not like the truth serum unlocked a string of inappropriate catcalls or racial slurs, he's just what, slightly awkward and better with machines than people? Oh noes, however will he be able to relate to a hacker who lives in her van?!
I was annoyed that Ward has apparently missed the probably training on how to resist truth serum--don't volunteer anything, say as little of the truth as possible. It's truth serum, not "Babble like Tony Stark with no filters" serum.
It's truth serum, not "Babble like Tony Stark with no filters" serum
It's technomagic truth serum. It's totally within scope for it not to follow any rules of sodium pentathol etc. right from the first moment they declared it didn't follow a rule of it.
I thought real world sodium pentathol just removed inhibitions and made you more likely to ramble and spill something by mistake, rather than acting like Wonder Woman's golden lasso?
One thing I did like quite a bit in that scene - Skye in that moment has no idea that Ward has only had level 7 clearance for about half an hour. Coulson knows she's already hacked them, so he also knows Ward can't really give her any more information than she could find out on her own.