What exactly did geeks and/or Whedonites DO to that writer?
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Wow, that's like, Piven press.(Seriously, a lot of times I read articles about Jeremy Piven as well and think "Wow, feature writer, at what point did this actor fuck your sister and never call again?" Difference being, he might have, and either way, has a way of bringing it on himself in a way that I can't see that Joss Whedon would.) But of course I'm biased toward both subjects so I can't say I'm objective.
Whedon's fanbase is geeky, and devoted, and his shows are not mainstream hits. I'd gotten the impression that the fandom was sort of defiantly proud of all these things.
Whedon's fanbase is geeky, and devoted, and his shows are not mainstream hits. I'd gotten the impression that the fandom was sort of defiantly proud of all these things.
Snidely condescended to in print? Not so much.
I actually thought it was an interesting article, which is why I linked to it. But, clearly, I didn't read it the way everyone else did.
What exactly did geeks and/or Whedonites DO to that writer?
He was the only guy his high school's geeks managed to give a wedgie to.
I think the thesis is interesting, Kristen, ie. If this guy wasn't something of a cottage industry, would his show be on? Interesting question. I thought the tone was insulting...Aaron Sorkin's fans would never get described that same way, but then TWW was a ratings winner for at least all the time that he was on it. The one time Creative Director at HBO once ignited a similar fannish pique when he said in a press conference that he had received letters and telegrams from "all 250 of The Wire's devoted fans,"(I believe that, probably even on the way to his court date, maybe somebody hopped out of the bushes all "250, *this*, motherfucker." Because fans get like that. I'm not exempting myself, either...five years later and I still remember it, after all.) But Simon really *does* intend and aspire to the "anti-show" so if someone wrote that about him, I think it would be more accurate.
Interesting question. I thought the tone was insulting...
This. Very much this.
Aaron Sorkin's fans would never get described that same way,
Except by Sorkin himself. (hee)
And I don't think Lowry meant to be specifically insulting to fans. I think he just always sounds insulting to everyone who's not him.
ETA: To me, the interesting question was, is the television landscape changing in ways that will benefit people like Joss or Tim? It used to be, "Oh no! It's a niche show! Doomed! We would need an XX to even keep you on the air next week." They never considered anything beyond the Nielsen number. But maybe that's changing, which could be beneficial to a certain type of content creator.
I'm seeing this [link] tonight. Live Alan Tudyk!