well...to be fair, i would imagine T:SCC is a hell of a lot more expensive to produce what with all the cgi.
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To be honest, I'd rather SCC was still on the air anyway. Let's cancel...Tino's Show!
if it was a fight between Dollhouse and T:tSCC, i'd choose SCC. i'm sure that has more than a little to do with my love of all things Terminator.
Well, yay for Dollhouse. It went from being creepy and crappy to interesting so I guess I'll watch more. But I thought Jericho suffered with a smaller cast and I hope that doesn't happen here.
Terminator went from 18 million viewers to below 3 million by the end of season two.
In addition to the CGI, didn't SCC have more location shooting and car chases/crashes than just about any other show?
Even though I found it possible to watch all the way through the first season of Dollhouse, I'd still rather have a third season of T:SCC.
I can think of a lot of shows I'd rather have than Dollhouse. But unfortunately trading was never an option.
I'm still stunned by the renewal. Is this a reaction to an unpredictable market, or are DVR numbers really starting to matter to network execs? That would mean I'm being counted. Cool.
I was playing SCC on my DVR straight through every weekend to be counted more! I never bothered with Dollhouse.