Terminator went from 18 million viewers to below 3 million by the end of season two.
'Why We Fight'
Jossverse 1: Emotional Resonance & Rocket Launchers
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
In addition to the CGI, didn't SCC have more location shooting and car chases/crashes than just about any other show?
Even though I found it possible to watch all the way through the first season of Dollhouse, I'd still rather have a third season of T:SCC.
I can think of a lot of shows I'd rather have than Dollhouse. But unfortunately trading was never an option.
I'm still stunned by the renewal. Is this a reaction to an unpredictable market, or are DVR numbers really starting to matter to network execs? That would mean I'm being counted. Cool.
I was playing SCC on my DVR straight through every weekend to be counted more! I never bothered with Dollhouse.
I'm still stunned by the renewal. Is this a reaction to an unpredictable market, or are DVR numbers really starting to matter to network execs? That would mean I'm being counted. Cool.
I'm sure there's a number of forces at play, and that potential DVD sales, DVR and online viewings and licensing fees are all in the mix.
But I can't help but wonder if Fox's development deal with Dushku is part of the answer. I don't know all the terms of her deal, obviously, but a development deal usually infers that, if they cancel "Dollhouse," they'll be obliged to develop something else for her, and why bother with that when there's a salvageable vehicle in front of them. Especially when that will probably be more expensive overall, and that it will likely be more risky to introduce another new show into a volatile market.
So, yeah. "Dollhouse" gets another 13 episodes, which isn't exactly a full order, and Fox gets to push off ordering new pilots for a few more months, when the economic climate has hopefully improved. And if "Dollhouse" succeeds, them, well, that's awesome for everybody.
they'll be obliged to develop something else
Not with the usual development deal. It's more like they've bought her time, and she can't work for anyone else. I know people who've gotten development deals but not even a pilot.
so I gave u on SCC -- too soon? I just couldn't care about it.
beth, I thought it got better and better in the first season and then got really awesome in the second (though it was a little uneven in the beginning).