Wow. That was pretty intense.
I want more.
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
Wow. That was pretty intense.
I want more.
Damn that was good! Want more.
My cynical thought is that it got better and more engrossing as the series progressed; of course the ratings fell.
Frankly? Ditto. Everybody seemed to hate the opening 5 stand alone episodes, but those rated highest. So make of that what you will. My cynical side still says to me the more shite you make a series, the more people will watch. I hope for the good of humanity I am wrong.
I'm glad I taped it, I think I missed some things, especially towards the end. How did Alpha get away? Why is Echo still a Doll? Why is Ballard not in the Attic?
My cynical side still says to me the more shite you make a series, the more people will watch. I hope for the good of humanity I am wrong.
Hmm... Firefly cancelled half-way through its first season.
Andromeda has more than 100 episodes...
Humanity's fucked, mate.
Smallville is still on the air. 8 seasons in?
Mind you, I love Fringe, and that's doing really well for itself. And I'm on to the 3rd series of 30 Rock, 4th (?) of The Office, 4th of HIMYM, 2nd of Big Bang and 5th of Lost so I shouldn't complain.
But I will. Pout.
I'm glad I taped it, I think I missed some things, especially towards the end. How did Alpha get away? Why is Echo still a Doll? Why is Ballard not in the Attic?
You didn't miss anything; they didn't explain any of that.
That was good, but it reminded me a lot of the end of Buffy Season 4.
The Alpha getting away stuff has been cut. A lot. They clearly went over, time wise.
Overall I think it's a great episode. Visually it's better than the other 11 put together. It does have some issues I thought - after getting loaded with all the personalities, they just wipe Echo like nothing has happened, Alpha is a wee bit too mental to follow as a villain and.. Well, why were Adelle and Boyd working for the Dollhouse? What is Topher's deal? Why is Paul so obsessed with Caroline?
The Alpha getting away stuff has been cut. A lot. They clearly went over, time wise.
Plus the November and Sierra bounty hunter scenes. Will there be a director's cut of "Omega" on the DVD?