That was good, but it reminded me a lot of the end of Buffy Season 4.
Jossverse 1: Emotional Resonance & Rocket Launchers
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The Alpha getting away stuff has been cut. A lot. They clearly went over, time wise.
Overall I think it's a great episode. Visually it's better than the other 11 put together. It does have some issues I thought - after getting loaded with all the personalities, they just wipe Echo like nothing has happened, Alpha is a wee bit too mental to follow as a villain and.. Well, why were Adelle and Boyd working for the Dollhouse? What is Topher's deal? Why is Paul so obsessed with Caroline?
The Alpha getting away stuff has been cut. A lot. They clearly went over, time wise.
Plus the November and Sierra bounty hunter scenes. Will there be a director's cut of "Omega" on the DVD?
I don't believe so. I'm hoping they at least put them in as deleted scenes.
When Paul caught Echo's wedge, the words "handsome man saved me from the monsters" came to mind.
I liked it. Found it more affecting than I was expecting, even with Tim at the helms.
Yeah, it really shows what this could have been. Incidentally Ballard's deal is pretty clear. They released Mellie in return for his taking the contract to hunt Alpha. I'm guessing that Caroline goes free when Ballard catches Alpha. He's given up the attempt to destroy the Dollhouse.
Mellie was more important in a personal way to Ballard. Caroline is still the dollhouse.
I am wondering -- is what ever the original Whiskey was ... somehow I fell she s connected to Topher. Someone he could relate to...a sister...a hacker/cracker...He wanted her to look and he wanted her to hate him - like he betrayed her.
I have the last 5 eps I might marathon.
Hm. I thought it was good but somewhat of a mess. Full of a lot of things, maybe suffered from having things cut. It was a lot to take in. There was a lot of identity stuff that was what I find interesting about this show in the first place, but some of it was weird (is that really what Nietzsche was referring to?) and some of it was too on-the-nose.
Amy Acker is such a cute Doll!
AA is a hot doll! And I was very "I knew it! She's a doll!" very vindicated from ep1. Good ep on the whole, clearly lots of editing. Was it originally a 2 parter?