I'm still wondering how he managed to alter the files Ballard found so quickly.
I would guess he did it before he killed Kepler.
'Beneath You'
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I'm still wondering how he managed to alter the files Ballard found so quickly.
I would guess he did it before he killed Kepler.
My theory was always that he slashes what isn't real.
Or that he's insane.
He just likes slashing.
He made some comment about it making Victor unique, no? I assumed that was the reason for the MO: create an indelible uniqueness, something that can't be overwritten.
Once again I was glad to be unspoiled.
I liked the episode but, was it my cold-blocked ears or was AT really hard to understand at times? I feel like I missed a lot of dialogue this episode.
He made some comment about it making Victor unique, no? I assumed that was the reason for the MO: create an indelible uniqueness, something that can't be overwritten.
I kept wondering why he didn't slash himself, then.
Hmmm...interesting question. I could see some sort of philosophical "I created myself, but I cannot make myself unique" or "I made myself. Here, let me help you get started." I don't love either of those, though...
I think Alpha is using his ability to imprint -- so he needs to blend in
Right. I know that's a/the logistical reason. I'm wondering if there's a philosophical one (or a philosophical justification)
He knows he's unique, he overcame the imprinting or something, he doesn't need an outward mark, the mark of his uniqueness is to be left on others like a signature. If it helps them find their own uniqueness, well, that's nice, but it's hardly his goal.
Something else I like about this episode - the photo Paul and Loomis pull up at the FBI of Kepler. Alan looks so completely harmless and goofy in that photo.