So, I picked up DVDs for the first episodes of DH, but I haven't quite mustered up the enthusiasm to watch 'em yet.
(Leverage, otoh, is made of pure, grade A win, if the first two episodes are anything to go by.)
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
So, I picked up DVDs for the first episodes of DH, but I haven't quite mustered up the enthusiasm to watch 'em yet.
(Leverage, otoh, is made of pure, grade A win, if the first two episodes are anything to go by.)
Just watched fri's ep. Not my favorite , but I didn't hate it. ED did a great job with Margret -- and I was pleased that others agreed with me. I as a little slow on the uptake, I missed what the whole Topher/ Sierra thing was about until the end. But then it was marget 's story and Paul's story too.
I've seen the whole meta story telling thing all along, but I only saw that as part of the show. From the last episodes I'd say the show is about loneliness. And then there is the whole fight that you know you are losing but you fight any way. There aren't even any small victories here. It is grim.
I used to think that Boyd might be a good guy, but he is oddly leaning toward evil for me. I think it has to do with his very neutral character. and oddly I want to know why Adelle is doing what she is doing... some of it seems very distasteful to her.
I don't have anything on tv that I find compelling in the way buffy/angel/firefly were. But then I never had anything before them either.
Now to thoughts you all made me think about the meta story -- We all wear masks- how much do we really know anybody, even our children, our spouses , our parents - and what is every body hiding, and is our chosen way of interacting, our preference for the superficial - is that what makes it so easy to hide.
So if everyone is lying and hiding in the Dollhouse. Is there a truth.
My most paranoid lizard brain is saying maybe the Dollhouse is real....
But then I might have to believe in other conspiracies ...
so maybe I should watch House.
So the Actives = Actors
The Dollhouse = Fox (with all the other Dollhouses being other studios)
Topher = Joss
The customers = The audience
I can't believe that the meta theory is the foundation of the show, or the cornerstone, or even a building block. It was just one of the thumbnail sketches that went into developing the design.
I don't think it is the cornerstone -- the corner stone is more of what I see as the meta story -- what do we really know about that person next to us?
So who's Ballard? TWoP?
He's certainly been angry enough recently...
This episode made me cry. Topher and Sierra.
Also, I went to a Dollhouse convention in the UK at the weekend, which was fun considering it hasn't even aired here. Everybody was aheming it.