So, I saw "Sliding Doors" for the first time since it was originally shown
I haven't seen that in years. I'm going to dig it out and rewatch it. Just what a Saturday night take-out, on an evening when you're not feeling 100%, needs as a cheering-up movie.
Not being a serious, hard core kaiju fan, I don't know if this is the first, but last night I saw something remarkable: A Japanese monster movie that was about 9/11, and not Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Gamera the Brave
And being a Gamera movie, it's right up Jess' alley.
I saw Julie & Julia today. It was pretty good. Not something I'd go back to every weekend it's in the theaters, but worth a matinee. My friend and I left the theater hungry for really good food, and we ended up at a Durham restaurant called Revolution. Durhamistas—their food is delicious!
Star Trek
at the dollar movie. Very pretty, very silly in places, and the main saving grace was Leonard Nimoy. I love watching that man playing the older Spock, all wise and "I'm over 150 years old, I can be visibly amused and delighted if I want to be."
Oh, definitely. No matter my problems with the plot and Kirk's characterization, seeing Leonard Nimoy as Spock again was well worth the price of admission.
His delight at seeing Scotty was wonderful, and it was all in the eyes and that very faint smile. "I have been and always will be your friend" made me misty-eyed, as did the "Space, the final frontier" at the end.
I'm worried that the theme song might be the worst thing about Quantum of Solace, and worried that it's not.
Are you watching it now? Just stop.
Wait, this bit has half-naked men.
And now there's a giant eyeball.
is the eyeball looking at the men?