From the epic philosophical ideas of 2001: A Space Odyssey
WTF? What epic philosophical idea? "This movie is best watched while epically stoned."
Is there even one idea in 2001? Aliens started evolution? Astronauts get turned into ginormous babies? Flushing the toilet in space is complicated? Don't let the computer control the space locks?
Um... if aliens help us evolve, we'll just use our new powers for evil? Like, killing each other?
OK, not hugely profound. Maybe a wee bit profound.
Um... no matter how advanced our technology becomes, eventually we don't notice anymore and just talk about what sandwiches are available?
Everything is nicer when listening to a waltz?
How about a nice game of chess?
Wait, different homicidal computer.
Joshua wasn't homicidal! He was misunderstood--he just wanted to play a game.
"Greetings, Professor Falken."
I'm actually surprised at how many of those I have seen, given that I'm not a big sci-fi fan.
I finally looked at that list of SF films--finally, a list comprised of a majority of films I've actually seen!! I was quite surprised that I've seen as many of those as I have (54 of them).
ETA: Or, what megan said!! I didn't think I was that big of an SF fan as a kid, but I guess I was. Weekend afternoon UHF channels exposed me to films like Them!, the original Invasion of the Body Snatchers, Heston's Omega Man and Planet of the Apes, and Silent Running.
Didn't take the time to count, but from a scan, I'd say I've seen about 85 to 90 % of that list.
I've seen 66 but I only own 4.
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
made the list I think
The Manchurian Candidate
belongs there too.