The Hurt Locker really does linger in one's mind--I saw it on Friday, and scenes from it are still popping into my brain occasionally.
Doesn't it though? Plus, the performances are just amazing. I may have to see the movie where Remmer played Jefferey Dahmer, because he impressed me that much.
It's on one of their DVDS.
I'm so remiss in my DVD buying ways.
Yeah, you know, five years is a long time to hang around if you want to be married and he doesn't, btw.It's funny how often my brain will do that logic puzzle thing and try to fill in the holes if the actors are keeping me amused. Like "Maybe when they started out she didn't want to be married either." Which kind of reminds me of the speech in "When Harry Met Sally" about how they could have sex on the kitchen floor, but then they never did that either...I didn't always like Sally either, but that was a masterpiece of character development comparatively.
It's funny now when I find myself filling in the plot holes in a movie because I'm not really in a formative stage, looking for life lessons anymore...I'm a bit worried about young chicks that might be...inspired by that.
The men were assholes and the women were stupid.
oohkay. Taking it off the netflix queue.
The men were assholes and the women were stupid.
At least it's a reversal of the normal trend in mass media, where most women are controlling shrews and the Y chromosome apparently carries a gene for mental retardation?
The performances were fairly good...I thought Ginnifer Goodwin was good at playing a bubbly little psychopath, fwiw.
It was only after the fact that I began to feel dirty. And I don't mean porn; it was fairly non-erotic, aside from Scarlett Johanson.ETA: Matt, yeah, more Distant Guy than Moron Guy.
That's cool, Kathy...those people are like heroes to me.
Although it might be a while before there's a cable show about theml
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The 100 Greatest Sci-Fi Movies