I finally looked at that list of SF films--finally, a list comprised of a majority of films I've actually seen!! I was quite surprised that I've seen as many of those as I have (54 of them).
ETA: Or, what megan said!! I didn't think I was that big of an SF fan as a kid, but I guess I was. Weekend afternoon UHF channels exposed me to films like Them!, the original Invasion of the Body Snatchers, Heston's Omega Man and Planet of the Apes, and Silent Running.
Didn't take the time to count, but from a scan, I'd say I've seen about 85 to 90 % of that list.
I've seen 66 but I only own 4.
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
made the list I think
The Manchurian Candidate
belongs there too.
the box office success of Independence Day led to the resurgence of the big sci-fi event movie,
...What? No, what? What are they talking about? Just looking at the other movies included in the list (Jurassic Park & Terminator 2, for instance), it's clear how little sense that makes.
I should have stopped reading at #3.
I should have stopped reading at #3.
Yeah I started to get really mad in the 80s.
is only slightly better than
Anything's better than
Except, of course,
The Last Action Hero.
Except, of course, The Last Action Hero.
Hey! That was a cool movie! It was mis-promoted.