Guillermo del Toro
Related to him, we're watching Pacific Rim right now (currently on a break for more dinner). Mako Mori just kicked Beckett's ass in the fight. I assume she'll end up piloting with him.
We're making predictions as to who dies first, and how horribly. I hope the Russians survive.
Aww, poor Russians. I wanted more of them. A lot more of them.
Ron Perlman is awesome.
That movie is one I wish we had seen on the big screen.
I hope the Russians survive.
I was going to say, so did everyone who watched the movie.
Awww, I feel like we should all form one big support group.
There was an awesome piece somewhere on tumblr where Alexis & Sasha survived, and Alexis got them home by punching a shark and making it tow them home.
Found it! Alexis does not punch the shark, but he does ask Comrade Squid for directions (Comrade Squid is not so helpful): [link]
Though Comrade Squid is apparently very affectionate.
Comrade Squid! Those comics are part of my headcanon for Pacific Rim, because THE RUSSIANS HAVE TO LIVE.
(Actually, I think they do survive somehow in the novelization. I seem to remember hearing about that.)
Jilli is in charge of assigning movie directors and actors from now on.
I am okay with this. Do I get replicas of costumes from these movies? Because that would be even better.
There's this comic of the Russians, too: [link] I love fans.
I think Requiem for a Dream is a great movie. Not a movie I ever want to see again, but great. I haven't seen anything by Aronofsky since that one, but The Wrestler got excellent reviews, didn't it?
t /still hasn't seen Pacific Rim