Hee. Zach Oat breaks down the Pixar formula.
Speaking of which, I went to the AMC Bay theater in Emeryville (next doorish to Pixar) and when I was getting tickets for Star Trek they
had an option for UP!
I think they must've been showing a preview. I was tempted to ditch the Trek.
But we saw Star Trek and Emmett thought it was very cool. He's never seen the show.
I think it's time to introduce him to CBS.com. Tonight I watched Kirk build a bazooka out of shit he found on the ground.
We're watching Ordinary People and I just realized that one of Conrad's friends is played by Adam Baldwin! He looks like he's 15 years old.
We're watching Ordinary People and I just realized that one of Conrad's friends is played by Adam Baldwin!
If by friend you mean "total asshole" that was the character he played. But he got punched in the nose for his trouble.
He grew a lot between Ordinary People and My Bodyguard. Throw in Full Metal Jacket and you're talking about a pretty long and interesting career, really.
Tonight I watched Kirk build a bazooka out of shit he found on the ground.
Seriously, that was my favorite episode. When I was 6. And keckler made fun of the Gorn for having disco-balls for eyes and I had to punch her. Um. Over the phone. Which was difficult but that's how powerful my love for the Gorn is.
I don't remember why I liked it that much, honestly. But I'm very loyal to 6-year-old me.
Heh. I didn't think it was
great, but I enjoyed it in its cheesetastic silliness. The episode I watched before it, though, was pretty fantastic—"The Galileo Seven." So I guess I prefer hairy apes that you barely see and who don't talk to silly lizardmen who can't throw a punch and get all Taunty McTauntypants.
If by friend you mean "total asshole" that was the character he played. But he got punched in the nose for his trouble.
I should have said swim teammate. This is in DH top 3 movies. Yeah, Baldwin's career has been long and varied. I love that he's been working so long. He's aging really well.
Oh, and the nose punch *just* happened.
"The Galileo Seven."
LOVE! Especially for the interactions between Spock and McCoy. I also loved how Scotty basically just stayed out of shit and got things done, until his comment about the flare near the end.
My Bodyguard
Love.This.Movie!!! I saw it in the theater during its first run, and I have no idea why it didn't become a big hit, since it was pre-Hughes and still managed to cover all the Chicago teenager angst that he did a few years later.