That doesn't get released until September, right?
Yeah, this is a really long-lead screening (which is why they refused to allow guests).
I don't know who picked it up - I'd have to Google it. All I know is that the original short is one of my most favorite short films EVAR and I want to see the long version NOW PLEASE.
BWAH! Everyone in this thread needs to read today's Wondermark (including the alt text, which is entirely FTW):
OHMYGOD. I saw the
trailer the other day and I (a) had not heard of it until that moment and (b) had to be restrained from busting through the screen and into the fictional world. Which, you know, might have pissed off the other people who needed that screen to see Trek for the umpty-eleventh time.
You know what I want Pixar to make?
Finding Nemo 2.
Where Nemo grows up to be a girl.
(billytea may have to back me on this, but I'm pretty sure all clown fish are born male and some of them become female).
Where Nemo grows up to be a girl.
Didn't someone link to fic about this at one point?
There's a user review for 9 on IMDB, and it isn't very flattering.