There was an actual physical flailer sitting in the row in front of me. A bit distracting, with the arms waving.
This is what I'm saying -- they would turn to each other and physically flail. Which was better than talking, but still distracting, as you say.
She only went as far as the hallway, so she was still audible.
Set phasers on Bright Flashlight of Humiliation.
Corwood, I knew when I typed that that you would, momentarily, at least, believe I sucked cock by choice.
I assume that most straight women and gay men do, and figure it works out pretty well for most everyone involved.
I really don't like Moulin Rouge, but, y'know, I don't hold people's taste in entertainments against them, and hope the feeling is mutual.
Only a joke, and a gratuitous Deadwood reference.(Although I am pleased to say I've had few complaints at that, but that's not very cinematic of me.)
That said, I almost gave myself emotional whiplash watching that and The Wire on the same night once...would not recommend.
Can you hand-wave that with the same Big Reset Button that puts the Grand Canyon in Iowa?
I read a review (I think it was the Flick Filosopher) where the writer geeked out and speculated that the big canyon in Iowa was a return visit/devastation caused by some Big Bad on ST:Enterprise who wrecked similar gashes in the Earth further south towards Florida.
Charming interview with Dwayne Johnson. When I say I love The Rock I ain't talking about the movie.
How can you resist his smile? And his rhapsodising over Steve Carell?
First pic from The Last Airbender. I wonder if the RACEFAIL talk will last.
How can you resist his smile? And his rhapsodising over Steve Carell?
Oh, I have nothing against The Rock! But I do love
The Rock.
First pic from The Last Airbender.
The kid looks okay, I guess, but Dev does not look like Zuko. I am anxious to see the teaser trailer.
I wonder if the RACEFAIL talk will last.
Oh, it will last and last and last.