I don't remember watching the first episode but I kept having to fight to watch TNG because it came on at the same time as the second hour of professional wrestling, which my brother watched, and which also was when the best matches were on. So there was a constant fight over whether or not I got to watch TNG or had to suffer through wrestling.
What I remember is being at my grandparents at a family gathering, trying to convince my parents and a few others that TNG was really good, with good stories and could we have the tv on so they could see?
Only to my horror and embarassment it was that god awful episode where Riker was going to die, so first they flood his mind with memories of all pleasurable things AKA a recap of every time Riker got laid. Only that nearly kills them so they have to go back and give him all the memories of bad things.
All the sexy stuff was embarrassing because my
were there and plus it just made everyone think that TNG stupid and silly.
I think that episode solidified my Riker hate.
The best part about Voyager were the episodes with Q, because the actor who played Q and the actor who played the Captain were best buddies, and you could tell they were trying not to burst into giggles on camera.
Huh, I thought TNG was supposed to be good.
Huh, I thought TNG was supposed to be good.
There were quite a few episodes that were outstanding, but the show as a whole was quite inconsistent.
What Tom said.
Best TNG episodes: "Inner Light" (one of the best hours of television, period), the second half of the Cardassians-hold-Picard-prisoner two-parter ("There. Are. Four. Lights!!!" God, Stewart so rocked that episode.), "Yesterday's Enterprise," "Measure of a Man" (Data's trial, which had a nice reference to his and Tasha's relationship), and "Cause and Effect" (one of the best time-travel eps done in a very clever way).
No love for Picard as Locutus?
The movie has made me want to watch more
stuff, so maybe I'll seek some classic episodes.
My favorite TNG episode is the one where Picard has to learn how to communicate with the captain of a ship from a civilization that uses metaphors as language. Picard telling the story of Gilgamesh to the alien captain over a campfire is glorious.
Oooh, yes--that ep is great! Paul Winfield is terrific as the alien. Wasn't it titled "Darmok"?
As much as I like "Best of Both Worlds," I liked the film "First Contact" better for the Locutus residual.
I like the holideck ones...sorry I'm not more fannishly specific, but when I was twelve TNG was my BFF's show, not really mine in the same way.
I liked it, though.
And the movie with the whale lady.