What Tom said.
Best TNG episodes: "Inner Light" (one of the best hours of television, period), the second half of the Cardassians-hold-Picard-prisoner two-parter ("There. Are. Four. Lights!!!" God, Stewart so rocked that episode.), "Yesterday's Enterprise," "Measure of a Man" (Data's trial, which had a nice reference to his and Tasha's relationship), and "Cause and Effect" (one of the best time-travel eps done in a very clever way).
No love for Picard as Locutus?
The movie has made me want to watch more
stuff, so maybe I'll seek some classic episodes.
My favorite TNG episode is the one where Picard has to learn how to communicate with the captain of a ship from a civilization that uses metaphors as language. Picard telling the story of Gilgamesh to the alien captain over a campfire is glorious.
Oooh, yes--that ep is great! Paul Winfield is terrific as the alien. Wasn't it titled "Darmok"?
As much as I like "Best of Both Worlds," I liked the film "First Contact" better for the Locutus residual.
I like the holideck ones...sorry I'm not more fannishly specific, but when I was twelve TNG was my BFF's show, not really mine in the same way.
I liked it, though.
And the movie with the whale lady.
TNG lucked out when they got Patrick Stewart. The classical training gives a starship captain the proper gravitas.
I prefer DS9 to TNG (I haven't seen enough of Voyager to compare and only saw one or two episodes of Enterprise) because of the character development, story arcs, and the level of inter personal conflict that allowed those arcs and development.
One of the complaints I heard about the concept of DS9 is that it's a space station! It doesn't go anywhere! And, true, the station stayed pretty much the same place (although there were excursions through the wormhole and other things)but the characters went places and had growth.
Part of it, from my understanding, is that Roddenberry didn't really want a lot of conflict between the Starfleet officers which meant that had to come from the outside. And in a ship that travels a lot there really wasn't a lot of places for that to come from.
There was some changes and growth but I was always left wanting more from TNG.
I don't know if a fic rec is appropriate for this thread or not, but this Trek fic had me laughing with delight and sobbing at the same time. (Assume massive spoilers, of course.)