{{Ellie}} {{Stephanie}} {{vw}} {{people who need some more sleep}}
We had quite the weekend. On Friday, we left Sass with the dogsitter and headed to Dulles to pick up my sister and niece so we could all drive down to Williamsburg for a surprise 75th birthday party for my mother. About 10 minutes later, the dogsitter called to tell us that Sass had escaped and was missing, so the DH and I turned around to help try and find her.
End of the story first: Four hours later, we finally got her back. However, for four hours we walked the neighborhood (with lots of help) trying to get her to come to one of us. Hounds (I'm not sure if this is true with other dogs) don't come to you directly when they can't see you -- they instead try to cut you off, so every time you turn a corner, you basically keep the game afoot. We had a number of sightings and one heart-stopping report that she'd been hit by a car and run off into the woods. My DH finally got her back when he was sitting in the front yard of the dogsitter's house, and heard Sass in the back.
She's got some cuts & scrapes, but is otherwise okay. My sister and niece got on public transportation and made their way to our house. We rolled them out of bed at 6 a.m. (they're on CA time) the next morning, had breakfast, took Sass to the vet to be checked out, and headed to Williamsburg (about a 3 hour trip). We actually got to the party in time to surprise my mother, and the rest of the weekend worked out, despite the fact that we were all exhausted.
It's no fun to have pregnancy hormones and very upsetting things happen, let me tell you.