I am bored in tech. Y'all are rather quiet today. I surmise y'all are out enjoying the real world, for which I am jealous!
The a/c is blowing on my neck to give me a chill, so I zip up the jacket, which makes me warm, but the air on the neck makes me *feel* cold. I need to go home and get my scarf.
Also, boredom in tech led me to go to ThinkGeek.com and shop. I wasn't going to buy anything, until I spotted the death & taxes calendar, and had to get it for my sister. And if she's getting something, I gotta buy something for me, right?
I'm feeling sorta like Suzi, though without the pretty daughter, lurking and nodding, and not saying a lot. Y'all see me nodding along, right?
This is also me. I just feel up for the occasional snark and run.
Suzi, Bev, Sail, and Ginger are me. (Lucky me!) I've been immersed in grading and comment-writing and general end-of-the-quarter insanity, so I barely have time to pop in and rarely offer comments of much substance. Sorry about that. Miss you all.
I surmise y'all are out enjoying the real world, for which I am jealous!
hah! I'm busy trying to keep myself from telling the paying customers that there's no "the" in Watchmen.
I've been doing laundry and icing my shoulder. Not terribly interesting.
meara, I am sorry to hear that the relationship is in a death spiral, but honestly? You NEED a relationship where the other person recognizes your utter fabulousness and feels lucky to find herself in a relationship with you. Accept nothing less.
You remind me of myself sometimes in the trying so hard to make the relationship work. And I'll admit a long term relationship is hard, but the hard part isn't keeping it going. The keeping it going is a given. The hard part is not driving each other crazy.
Ay. Just talked to her on the phone, and...death spiral is dead.
I'm so sorry meara. I wish I were there to offer you hugs in person. But I know you have great friends up there.