Okay, y'all. The Boy told me to share this with you (probably so that I would stop talking about it to him):
Our sewer district seems to be running a direct-mail PR campaign (I don't know why, since it's not like we can *choose* what sewer district we have). So we got mail from them today, and printed on the outside of the envelope was, in a retro-type font, "IMPORTANT INFORMATION INSIDE!"
The Boy commented that the font choice looked like campy horror-movie font, or "Halloween font." I made my usual disparaging remark that most people choose their fonts unwisely/indiscrimately and don't think about the effect it has.
I was very wrong; they totally thought about the effect. We now have a Metropolitan Sewer District campy retro refrigerator magnet. I LOVE IT!!! Seriously.
What I can't stop talking about though, is the postcard the magnet was attached to. The other side of the card is a picture of a toilet in a basement with almost a foot of water on the floor. The toilet is old and icky looking, the seat is up, and there's obvious black stuff on the rim.
The sewer has backed up, making the toilet run over, and it has obvious black stuff on the rim. That means that their PR material is a POSTCARD OF HUMAN POO. That's simultaneously disgusting, hilarious, and the most brilliant thing I've heard of all day.