I get where erika was coming from (not to rehash, it's just that I've been busy all morning and am just now catching up). Scrappy probably put it best (when doesn't she?). I think that the compassion and support in this thread is a bottomless well--we have it and give it with gusto. It's what I like about the place.
But I understand that with some people and some issues, it gets hard to offer the same advice over and over and find that it's not being taken. It's happened in the past, not just now, and it caused ruffled feathers then, too.
Plei, I've marked the apple butter post. A friend gave me some smallish apples with a lot of skin blight that I can make into a small batch if I'm feeling productive. If I am super smart, I'll put up a batch of pumpkin butter while the sweet pumpkins are cheap and plentiful.