A moment in Abby-Land:
A bit of backstory first-- Lewis has the unfathomable (to me at any rate) ability to eat something sweet and then follow it with something savory. LIke he can eat a powdered donut and follow it with nachos or something. It weirds me out monumentally. I cannot do it. Our children, especially Abby, have inherited this habit. Tonight, she and Nate asked if they could have chocolate pudding cups. Idiotically, I agreed without presenting them with the caveat of "After you finish dinner." Both of them grabbed the pudding cups and chowed down, then calmly returned to their chicken fingers and hot dogs.
I spluttered something along the lines of "You know, you could have waited to finish your dinner!"
Abby calmly replied, "But Mom, you know I don't mind eating savory after sweet. It's a lifestyle choice!"
What could I say to that?
Nothing, that's what. I just laughed.
"But Mom, you know I don't mind eating savory after sweet. It's a lifestyle choice!"
DAMN, how they rebel against their parents!
Hil sounds like Mac N' cheese to me. If it were me I'd add garlic because I add garlic to almost everything. If I'm just making for myself I don't bother with flour. (I might under cook the pasta, then let it finish in the cheese sauce. Absorbs the cheese flavor better anyway.) If it came out watery you could add cracker crumbs or bread crumbs at the last moment.
I decided to go with spaghetti rather than mac and cheese. I'll save the mac and cheese for a day when I have the patience to experiment with a recipe.
Yay! Congratulations Jessica! And Congratulations Gris!
Dark chocolate filled with raspberry ganache: the breakfast of champions.
Must start packing for Cambodia trip. Flying in a few hours.
Congrats (separately, of course) to Jessica and to Gris!
Bon Voyage, Fay!
Congratulations, Gris!
Congratulations, Jessica!