Congrats, Jess!! Damn, but I'd give a bundle to see all the Buffista sprog together in one place. (Well, if I had a bundle, I'd give it.)
Congratulations, Gris!
Thank you all for the ~ma, I felt my interviews went well. Now, it's hurry up and wait to see if I made it to the second round. I was told I'd hear in two weeks, so I hope my patience will hold out!
YAY Jessica and new baby!
YAY Gris and new fiancée!
YAY, Jilli! I'm so glad you liked the prezzies. We saw them on our girls' weekend, and I knew those had to be yours. I just hope I picked the right ones. There were so many that I think you would have liked (ask meara, juliana, or megan walker!).
So much ~ma to those who need and want it, for houses, health, jobs, travel, luggage, and everything else.
In addition to Tep's awesome butternut squash enchilada recipe I recently tried this one and love it
even more
than I loved the other, which is saying something. I left out the chiles but otherwise made it like this, and wow. Yum. I think I like it a bit better because of the green onions and the fact that everything is cooked--the raw onions (even though they are baked in the enchiladas) in the first recipe are a bit hard on my stomach. Either way, though, DE-LISH.
I've barely been around to even read, let alone post (outside of a few in F2F the other day), but I'm still here. Took a bad fall Wednesday morning on my back on a hard tile floor (stupid rain), so that's been a bit painful. I also forgot to take my meds this morning and have had horrible vertigo and a grumpy stomach all day. Feh.
On the positive side, though, teaching has been going well and wedding plans are slowly coming together. We're sending out save the dates on Monday (if you're one of my Flickr friends, you can see them here (front) and here (back)), and I finished putting the website together also. I don't want to link to it here since it has all the specific details about when/where and isn't password protected, but you can see it on the postcard via Flickr or email me so I can send it to you. We're going to be blogging and posting pictures and so forth over the next few months, so I figured some of you might want to check it out.
My friend C. designed the Save the Dates and will be designing the invites in the same style. Aren't they awesome? We're doing an art deco theme for the party (I'm very tempted to get an awesome art deco cake).
ETA: And I just remembered that those pics have an earlier version of the back before we realized the website was case sensitive and C. fixed it, so entering that address in all caps will get you nowhere. If you'd like the right link, just email me.
Those are really cool looking, Kristin!
Kristin, those save the date cards look wonderful. As does the recipe you linked to, and I wonder if Pete would be able to handle the amount of chili in there. (He's developing a sensitivity to peppers, gah.)
Congratulations, Gris!
Jilli, just leave the chili out! That's what I did, and it was awesome.
Also, I hope the Stroppy One likes the Save the Dates as well, what with his artistic sensibilities and all.
And I almost abbreviated to "I hope the Stroppy One likes the StDs as well," which, upon rereading, was definitely not what I meant. Holy unfortunate acronyms, Batman!