I just missed you guys too much. I mean, the world, it's so sane and dull. And lack wit. It hurts.
Licks Shir I don't care if you have already gone back to exam hell. I've been thinking about you, and missing you.
I bet hot-and-sour soup is good, yet the name gives me some unappetizingly biley associations, so I've never had the guts(heh!) to actually eat any...isn't that dumb?
I really love the hot and sour soup at our neighborhood Chinese buffet, but I may never be able to eat it again. Thanks for the image, erika.
included me as a research assistant, with a salary, this summer. Yay extra money!
Congrats, Hil
It's definitely a Monday.
Askye, I'm sorry your Monday was so Mondayish. Mine was definitely extremely Monday, too. It involved gushing, spurting blood - not exaggerating, seriously, like fill a balloon with water and poke a pin hole in it. Thankfully less than 2 oz total, and it responded to a pressure bandage, but still... In my job I can and do administer and clean up the results of enemas, no problem, but for blood, I am squeamish.
Also, I ended up telling my supervisor that when residents have anxiety behaviors that cause them to obsess about things, she needs to not stir them up more by talking about how they obsess. I heard bosslady talking more about the issue than the resident. She told me ___ was driving her crazy by obsessing, so I said, "you are driving me crazy by obsessing about her obsessing, so which one of us gets to run out of here screaming?" I know I was not at my best, there. But seriously, isn't the bosslady supposed to set the tone? If she can't handle the residents' behavioral issues, how in the fuck are the rest of us supposed to do it? The best way to handle stuff like the resident's obsession is to be unflappable, yet bosslady is such a little bird, that flapping is all she knows.
I really think I need to start documenting the crap she says, and then ask her supervisor to have a little talk with her, because I'm not getting through.