I'm pretty certain I've heard my dad and my sister having that same argument when she was living there.
On dropping off in pj's - when I was first trying to move to Chicago I had a job interview lined up so my dad drove me to the train station in Milwaukee and we *just* missed the 6:20 a.m. train. So he ended up driving me a hundred miles to downtown Chicago and hanging out for two hours waiting for me to be done - all in his bathrobe and slippers.
The look he gave me when I was all "no! we don't have time for you to go home and get dressed, we have to get on the highway now!" was pretty priceless. But he did it. Above and beyond, seriously.
ETA: And I did get the job, so.
Thank you! Besides which, how would I know if I do? I don't think I'm going crazy with the -- I can't believe I'm even thinking about this. ARGH.
Thanks for the validation, y'all. I really needed to share that with someone.
ETA: Maybe it's just a dad thing. Makes sense, really -- typically budget-conscious, sure we're wasteful, and not really understanding that there's a difference in gender usage, if you will.
just an idea ....
Holy shit! That's awful! It's not going *that* badly! Though, I think my fever's back. Naptime!
Hi! I skipped utterly.
I am back, sans uterus and other girly parts! Went ok, except when they opened me up, I was chock-full of sticky adhesions and they basically had to scrape everything out.
And then I spiked a 103 fever and had to spend an extra day in the hospital, boo hiss.
But I stayed with my folks, and yesterday I came HOME, which is utterly blissful, and am trying -- slowly -- to catch up.
How's everyone?
Erin, I'm glad you're out of the hospital, home and on the road to recovery. Welcome back!
Oh Erin!
You are going to feel SO much better now. This has got to be an enormous relief.
Erin! So glad to see you!
You're better off without it -- it caused you nothing but trouble, girlfriend.
I'm glad you're home, Erin!
Emily, my dad said something similar to me, once. I was tempted to go into a long discussion about male/female excretion differences, but decided just ignoring him was the best route. Luckily, I didn't live with him at that point.
Erin! Welcome home, sweety. Also, what Emily said about the annoying girly parts.