Elect being shown signs of divine favor in earthly life
Always seems to me to miss the point of the story of Job. Not that anyone posting here thinks that, but I've run into a lot of Christians who believe that, and I always wonder how they reconcile it with Job.
{{Brenda}} May Lucy have a gentle passing.
And the place they went to eat dinner playing spanish language tv, it made her furious
Don't they hear Spanish in Texas?
I'm glad I only had to reject the Catholic Church. There's a long tradition to that, and it's more comic than tragic.
Emmett has already taken up an atheistic position, though that doesn't seem to be helping with his bouts of existential angst.
Matilda has been going to church with JZ since she was born and is well into doing the "sign of peace" handshake.
I have a nagging urge to watch The Beast just because it's probably going to be the last thing Swayze ever does, and I read that he forwent (is that the past tense of forgo?) pain meds so they wouldn't interfere with the acting.
What's up with Swayze? I haven't heard this.
He was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer a way back. Well, not long, but in terms of how long it usually takes it to kill, quite a while.
What's up with Swayze? I haven't heard this.
He's got cancer. Pancreas? I think that's it.
Perkins, he's had pancreatic cancer for about the last year -- which, on the whole "Fuck Cancer" scale, is way out on the more fuckety end.
And he just went into the hospital with pneumonia (?).