I don't remember the moon landing. Heck, I don't actually remember the Challenger (it's all hazy...I think I remember the memory, if that makes sense...)
Living in those times with riots and assassinations and moon walking and all that must've been kinda crazy as an adult. Eesh. I wonder...
Growing human flesh? Yay for burn victims...but I immediately wonder what color it is? Would it look weird on people? Does it eventually get replaced with your own skin or does it always look weird on you?
Maybe they remove all your skin and replace it with synthetic skin to ensure an even coat.
Skin grafts currently look weird, in my limited experience, so I'd guess it wouldn't look any weirder than that?
having a stare-down with Hitler,
The polite term for cats that look like Hitler is "Kitler."
Are y'all wondering what wackiness PETA has been up to these days?
Sea Kitten State Park - where humans and sea kittens (read: fish) live in harmony.
That's the idea behind the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals' latest campaign, anyway.
PETA sent a letter to California State Parks Director Ruth Coleman on Wednesday offering to pay to keep Pescadero State Beach open, but only if it is renamed Sea Kitten State Beach.
Pescadero State Beach is among the 219 state parks slated for closure under Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's plan to close a $26.3 billion deficit.
The term "sea kitten" is an effort to evoke the same sympathy for fish that people feel for cats and dogs, according to PETA Manager of Campaigns Lindsay Rajt.
Oh my God. I thought the "sea kitten" thing was people
Yeah, except that Sea Kitten gives me more of a Baywatch vibe, and with PETA's record on these issues making Hooters look good?
Oh my God. I thought the "sea kitten" thing was people mocking PETA.
No, it's
PETA mocking itself.
As well as
common sense.
Also, did you know that in WWII, the Germans trained fish to attack ships with explosives? They were called Sea Kitlers.
OK, that's probably not true.
Oooh! Feynman lectures online! [link]
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