Or maybe taking a nice pack of Plott Hounds with you?
There is a Plott Hound just 3 doors away! If we ever have a cougar scare here on Capitol Hill, I'll run and get her so she can drool on the cat...which I'm pretty sure is her version of the kung fu grip.
I'd want my neighbor's little yappy dog along with me for a cougar attack. Either its continuous high-pitched barking would annoy the cat into leaving, or I could offer it as a snack and make friends.
Or you could just give up and hand over the twink.
That's what I'd do.
Either its continuous high-pitched barking would annoy the cat into leaving, or I could offer it as a snack and make friends.
Har, just like in Snakes on a Plane when the guy threw the yappy dog at the snake.
Hey, Plotts can tree a bear.
I'm sure that it will be able to handle a puma.
I suggest not hiking in cougar territory - 100% survival from cougar attacks. Go Team Lazy!
That works until Mac brings home that stray cougar he found walking around the streets.
So, the proper tactic is to run like hell?
If it was a cheetah I'd say Nutty and a squash court would be the best tactic. But it's not.
I have faith in Plott Hounds as a breed. This one? I dunno. She's sweet but not particularly focused. Then again, I've never seen her in the presence of a bear, so one never knows.
Nutty + squash court + big cat = never not funny. I swear.
Did y'all know about Greenfreeze? [link]
How dumb that we are making these in the US? Our business lobbyists suck ass.
This is my favorite part:
However, until earlier this year, red tape and industry lobbyists have prevented Greenfreeze from being introduced in the United States. This September, Ben & Jerry’s, working with Greenpeace, launched a pilot program through an EPA permit to test 2,000 of their Greenfreeze freezers in ice cream scoop shops and stores in the United States.
I get to feel very virtuous for eating that ice cream. And I'm pleased to see that Ben & Jerry's is still walking the walk.
Visa claims teen spent $23,148,855,308,184,500.00 on prepaid credit card
Visa recorded a $23,148,855,308,184,500.00 purchase on Consumerist reader Dale's kid's prepaid Visa Buxx card: "My lectures about financial responsibility appear to have failed: yesterday she charged $23,148,855,308,184,500.00 at the drug store. That's 2,000 times more than the national debt, which is a paltry 11 trillion. The ever-vigilant folks at VISA added a $20 'negative balance fee,' and have suspended the card."