My mother is cleaning my house. I'm trying to feel guilty about it, but really, I'm too caught up in the throes of packing and did I pack that and when do we need to leave oh shit at rush hour and will you please stop spilling coffee on the counter I just cleaned and and and.
Bill Cosby Portrait in JELL-O Shots
Artist Andrew Salomone created this portrait of Bill Cosby entirely from JELL-O shots, then invited art show visitors to consume the portrait as the party progressed.
If you miss, the gun also produces a very loud sound that will probably scare away the attacking animal.
So maybe my pathetic wailing would help!
Yeah, I'm generally thinking most predatory animals might be put off if I have the opportunity to interpose a gun report and muzzle flash between us. Not terribly helpful for my average walk in the park, though... the most threatening thing I'd have on me is a bottle of Aleve to rattle.
My mother is cleaning my house. I'm trying to feel guilty about it
I'm sure she's loving it!
It will be a relief when you are actually on the plane and on your way. I love that part of a trip!
Or maybe taking a nice pack of Plott Hounds with you?
There is a Plott Hound just 3 doors away! If we ever have a cougar scare here on Capitol Hill, I'll run and get her so she can drool on the cat...which I'm pretty sure is her version of the kung fu grip.
I'd want my neighbor's little yappy dog along with me for a cougar attack. Either its continuous high-pitched barking would annoy the cat into leaving, or I could offer it as a snack and make friends.
Or you could just give up and hand over the twink.
That's what I'd do.
Either its continuous high-pitched barking would annoy the cat into leaving, or I could offer it as a snack and make friends.
Har, just like in Snakes on a Plane when the guy threw the yappy dog at the snake.
Hey, Plotts can tree a bear.
I'm sure that it will be able to handle a puma.