Why does he want to kill her -- does he not like the postage meter?
My theory is that he was trying to steal postage and she stopped him. I still don't understand why that would make me buy a postage meter/
They are the same people who use the millimeter thin toilet seat cover thinking it's going to prevent something "yucky" from getting on them.
My pet peeve is when those people leave seat covers on the toilet and they're wet and I have to peel them off. Through long practice, I can use a public restroom and have my butt have the only direct contact with surfaces. Not so if I have to dislodge that damned used seat cover.
Also, why do toilet stalls open in? Could there be anything less convenient?
Beninati admitted he knew "fire was dangerous and caused burns" before he walked into one.
Somehow, while he might understand each individual word, I don't think he understands all the words when they're strung into a sentence.
The whole "Won't anyone think about the WIMMIN" argument against gay sex ignites the rant-bomb that forms the core of my being.
I'll be sure to tell my mom - the lesbian - that my being gay means she'll have fewer men to date.
Please ignore the explody noise coming from the Puget Sound area; there's no cause to wonder if it was my head kerploding.
We are off in about an hour to go to Catalina, so I'm packing up the computer now, but I wanted to say happy birthday to Frank and congrats to Dr Nilly!
Could there be anything less convenient?
They're very convenient for getting
when you really have to go. Getting out is a chore, for sure.
They're very convenient for getting in when you really have to go.
Not when you're getting in with your carry-on luggage at the airport.
I'll be sure to tell my mom - the lesbian - that my being gay means she'll have fewer men to date.
Yup. *My* gay marriage will mean fewer women on the 'market'. About which this particular bi girl is delighted.
I didn't realize that Gay Marriage Hurts Women thing was serious. I went and looked at the source website to be sure and I think it's given me a rash.
I just feel like the doors that people touch when they're getting off the subway, have been coughing into their hands all afternoon, and etc. have got to be at least as bad.
That's why I've started washing my hands as soon as I get to work and as soon as I get home. The subway is mindboggling for germs if you think about it too much.
I think bathrooms should be Squatters and Sitters instead of Men and Women. I don't care WHO'S ass was on the thing, I care if their pee is. The squatters can go self-perpetuate somewhere else.