Hi, Mirrorface! Are you altogether new or just in threads I don't visit often enough? In either case, YAY ANOTHER A:TLA FAN. Did you already know that one of the Music thread regulars is writing an ass-kickingly fantastic regular column on A:TLA for The Onion's A-V Club? If not, read him up. He's splendid.
Off now to find out what Buffy would do, musically speaking.
There's a whole cd of Buffy songs called "I Miss Buffy," by Megan something-or-other. It's pretty fun.
Hi, Mirrorface!!
Haha, yeah. New. Hi, all. Don't eat me, I've given myself an intravenous shot of... something harmful. So yeah.
Highfive for A:TLA! I did not know that, but I will certainly check it out. O:
Also, whole album of Buffycentric songs sounds awesome.
Now that I'm on my computer and not my iPhone, I've even got a link. "I Miss Buffy" by Megan Gogerty. [link] A (non-Buffista) friend that I got into Buffy bought me a copy and got it signed, as kind of a thank you.
That is absolutely magnificent! I'll have to look into buying that when I get back from South Dakota and have access to my money.
Nice to "meet" you, Mirrorface.
Thanks for the props, JZ!
Nice to exaggerated wink "meet" you, too, Laga.
Hey, Scrap!