Fay, if you check coffeeandink's LJ and click on the Supernatural tag, you'll find some really good discussion of the race and gender issues of the show. She is still watching, FWIW.
Victoria (musesfool) linked to an interesting essay that touched on said issues recently, that may also be of interest (it was focusing on performative masculinity and class through a gothic/horror lens, but those are impossible to discuss without touching on race and gender issues, as they're so deeply rooted in the genre, which means that any unexamined work within that genre is going to have 'em AND HOW).
(I actually have an entire book on race and Gothic literature in the historical context of 19th century England that's just incredibly fascinating. I should look up the name so I can recommend it.)
Bev, I don't think imeem does downloads. Vimeo does, if that option is enabled, but I don't know if they're over there. Best bet is to contact Diana and Gina through imeem (I somehow ended up on a list where Smokey Fizz send me video updates). They're also on AIM: "smokeyfiizz".
Beverly, I was able to save it as an .flv file using the Download Helper add-on to Firefox.
I was able to save it as an .flv file using the Download Helper add-on to Firefox.
teach me? I tried it in zam zar but I'm thinking that's only good for the likes of utoob.
eta that I think I found it and am dling the download helper now! *hugs firefox*
The web site is here.
Let me know if you have any trouble with it.
Ooh, thanks for the pointer, dcp. I've got so much ad-blocker, firewall and moat on this computer (I shouldn't complain, they all do their jobs, that's why they're there) I have trouble dl-ing stuff like that. I will sic StY on it tomorrow, though. Ze vid vhill be mine! ...I hope.
Cheers, Suela, Plei!
Also - cute vid! My favourite vid remains
but I've not seen all that many yet. Man, I'm thinking there will be some fanfuckingtastic vids put together by the end of this season, however things shape up.
t /Castiel fan.
...Yeah, that tag doesn't seem to be closing. Oh well.
Who did Drive, Fay, do you know? Have a link?
ETA: I have a short list of favorites, and many of them are from S1 footage:
God Says Nothing Back, by Morgandawn
Evening on the Ground, by Lithium Doll
All that I am, by Lithy, again
Soldier, by Wolfpup
Last Stand in Open Country, by Jules
The Fifth Level, by Luminosity
all of which are illustrative of the background and mythos of show, of character, of relationships, and are vids I think synergize music, clip choice and editing to the best advantage, as opposed to finding a popular song and cutting clips on the beat to illustrate the lyrics.
A personal favorite of mine, because it's small, contained, and to me is all about the brothers, is Passenger Seat, by proofpudding.