Plei, still seems to be missing where the bar Dean & Siren are watching is not the strip club. Siren/Faux FBI also said all deaths linked to same strip bar.
They're tailing the doctor. (I'll need to get my iTunes copy and verify, but I remember thinking to myself, "Hmm. Looks like a different bar.") At this point, Dean thinks he has his person, and the Siren (who has been pointedly trying to set the doctor up, and who no doubt has been able to track her habits) is along for the ride. Such as it was.
I got the impression that she was going to the bar to drink, not for hook ups.
She did seem pretty fond of the hooch, what with that huge bottle she cracked out of her desk drawer to loosen Sam up.
OK, that makes sense. She wants to follow sex with drinking. Really, if you think about, it makes a lot more sense than the usual order. Sober sex followed by getting drunk offers maximum enjoyment of both pleasures.
I had my suspicions about the "FBI agent" right when Dean said that he didn't know feds could be so cool. I figured either he was the siren or the dreams of slash fans were about to come true.
I thought it would have been cool if the siren could be killed by an injection of oxytocin.
I figured either he was the siren or the dreams of slash fans were about to come true.
I figured it was the FBI guy because he was playing into being everything Dean ever wanted, his "dream person." Lovng the car, loving the music, the total guy bonding thing. Just because it had always been girls for the others, well, Dean as we know has always been about Sam.
I had the best Secret Santa package. Not only did I have incredible Seattle treats from meara, but she got Plei to write a bonus Supernatural story!!! [link]
Oh, Mary. Oh, John. Oh, Plei! So very very good. Thanks for letting meara include it.
That's a beautiful story.
Take a look at the bag of a Hoodoo practicioner found on LJ. Lots of familiar names of things in there.
Technically, I owe you two more, but then family ate me. They may randomly turn up at the site (I'll let you know if/when that happens.)
wolfpup gives good vids. scroll down to the bottom of the page for the newest vid.
Oh ouch. That was really hurty.
Okay.... I love Bobby as much as the next person, but they're really overusing him as the sweep-in-with-the rescue/plan/vital piece of information guy.
It didn't bother me because it wasn't some arcane out-of-nowhere thing like the Japanese (even though I like the story about how that came around). It was Bobby being common sense Bobby. I don't know that it's become apparent to him yet how off their game the boys are but given the situation him checking up on things further didn't seem over the top.
Sam and Dean are NOT okay. So much anger. So much distance between them.
Oh god yes. I don't think we've seen Sam express all this before, though some of it is apparent in his actions. To this degree, anyway. But we know how full of shit Dean is when he said he didn't mean any of that, so.