Oh ouch. That was really hurty.
Okay.... I love Bobby as much as the next person, but they're really overusing him as the sweep-in-with-the rescue/plan/vital piece of information guy.
It didn't bother me because it wasn't some arcane out-of-nowhere thing like the Japanese (even though I like the story about how that came around). It was Bobby being common sense Bobby. I don't know that it's become apparent to him yet how off their game the boys are but given the situation him checking up on things further didn't seem over the top.
Sam and Dean are NOT okay. So much anger. So much distance between them.
Oh god yes. I don't think we've seen Sam express all this before, though some of it is apparent in his actions. To this degree, anyway. But we know how full of shit Dean is when he said he didn't mean any of that, so.
Count me as another who was not bugged by Bobby saving the day. I thought it was set up in the episode that he had been called for help. It also makes sense to me that they would have used him as a resource (loved that he was apparently reading the information about the Siren in the original Greek). I also liked the phone bank; it goes a long way towards explaining how Sam and Dean--hell, many hunters--have gotten away with some of their masquerades as effectively as they have.
(And is it wrong of me that I want to see a fanfic that has Bobby comparing notes with Barbara Gordon?)
I thought it was an interesting twist that the Siren didn't only feed off of romantic devotion. Having one victim off a parent rather than a mate did go a long way towards making me buy that the Siren could feed off the brothers turning against each other. And speaking of that turning against...
While I liked the intensity of the fight, and I liked how not okay the boys were after it was all over, I am still up in the air as to how to interpret Sam's part in the fight. On the surface of things, Dean's anger seems a lot more legitimate than Sam's. After all, Dean got on Sam for actively deceiving him, while Sam seems to be upset that his brother is having a rough time with PTSD after forty years of literal hell. Taken that way, Sam comes across as the guiltier party.
After thinking about it for a while, however, I'm wondering if what we were hearing (as I think someone mentioned upthread) is Sam's bitter disappointment that the brother he got back isn't exactly the brother he used to have. Add that to the fact that the two of them were actively trying to hurt each other, and that could explain what Sam said. Of course, if he
wanted to hurt Dean, he might have said something about not being okay with Dean's actions in Hell.
Then again, there's always the possibility that I'm overthinking this, and what we heard Sam say was all that the writers could come up for him to say.
After thinking about it for a while, however, I'm wondering if what we were hearing (as I think someone mentioned upthread) is Sam's bitter disappointment that the brother he got back isn't exactly the brother he used to have.
I think the conversation with the doctor about people changing until you want to bash their head in might have been intended as lead-up to this, but I don't think it was a weighty enough discussion to really pull it off.
Haven't seen any of post-hiatus Season 4 eps, but here I am merrily spoiling myself. Just wanted to say that I've been rewatching Season 1 lately, and it's striking how many of the boys' issues have been right there from the word go. And also a bit heartbreaking watching them both interacting at a time when they were both...well, scarcely innocent, but less damaged and less jaded.
...I'm wondering if what we were hearing (as I think someone mentioned upthread) is Sam's bitter disappointment that the brother he got back isn't exactly the brother he used to have.
Sam wants to find an end this struggle, presumably with both his and his brother's souls intact. Dean is of the mindset it will never end, and I think that's where Sam's frustration is rooted.
At this point, I'm sad about what's going on with the boys. For me, the Winchesters are a very compelling trinity: Dean, Sam and their amazing bond. The bond is unraveling, and it's getting difficult to watch.
It was a well-done episode, leaving me anxious about where this will lead. I'm hopeful it's not quite so preordained as it may seem.
Man. I don't... There's just something about him, isn't there?
P.S. I know it's called spoilertv for a reason, but there is one little spoiler at the end.
Oops, thought that was so well known that I forgot it was a spoiler.
It's also entirely possible that I'm the very last person to know!
I didn't know either, but
ROCK! That makes me happy
I would love to hang out with that dude. Looks aside, he just seems smart, funny, and interesting.