I agree, Amy. I scratched my head at the idea of two feral young people who could write (and use the word "too" correctly). So my question for the writers is how is it they can spell and not speak? How are they so feral and yet knowledgeable and cunning? Too many disconnects and just very sloppy characterizations.
As far and Sam and Dean's handling of this case goes, hunting the living isn't exactly their bailiwick, so I'm taking their borderline ineptitude with a wheelbarrow of salt.
Dean's second heart-to-heart with Sam in as many episodes was meaningful in the context of Dean's intense drive to save people and, as revealed in the epilogue, try to fill that hole inside of him. But I do think this admission comes too closely on the heels of the his revelation to Sam at the end of "Heaven and Hell". It would have been better if this part of Dean's struggle was handled in a later episode.
Good discussions, guys!
Anybody here watch The Mentalist? This week's ep had Michael, "Two queens. Right," from Something Wicked as "Brad", and the suburban, pipe-smokin', fruitcake-stompin', pliers-wielding pagan god from A Supernatural Christmas as his dad, in addition to Azura Skye, BtVS's Cassie.
The second heart-to-heart seemed a little soon to me, too. But I don't know what sort of unraveling or reconstruction is ahead. The timing may make sense by the end of the season.
To think I clicked away from the pilot because it was to scary.
As did I. I spent a lot of time watching this from behind the laptop or behind my hands. On occasion, behind both.
And my brain flashed way too much to X-Files Home for my comfort because that just made it so much creepier and ack there was enough creep! Because I am a wimp for scary.
I do like that Dean, especially, is always so completely horrified when the MotW is human. Because the evil things being evil, okay. But people being that wrong, well, it's pretty wrong.
I can't remember who posted the thing about the McDonald's commercial, but I just saw it last night! And it really *is* Dean, isn't it? So funny. "Is it hot?" Heh.
It was me!! Oh, thank goodness. I needed for someone here to see it, too - it's just too perfect.
I don't watch enough tv to randomly run across it. Somebody should upload it to YouTube. ("Bring me a fahrting panda!") Because I really want to see it!
I've looked, but I can't find it. Yet. I will persevere.
It really is *so* Dean. Just ... the look on his face is, "The *flower's* for you, you moron! The burger is mine!"
Dean and Joey share a similar attitude to food, really. As in, do NOT share it.
I can't remember who posted the thing about the McDonald's commercial, but I just saw it last night! And it really *is* Dean, isn't it? So funny. "Is it hot?" Heh.
I know! I think McDonald's Guy is my new TV Boyfriend.
I have not seen this commercial.