To think I clicked away from the pilot because it was to scary.
As did I. I spent a lot of time watching this from behind the laptop or behind my hands. On occasion, behind both.
And my brain flashed way too much to X-Files Home for my comfort because that just made it so much creepier and ack there was enough creep! Because I am a wimp for scary.
I do like that Dean, especially, is always so completely horrified when the MotW is human. Because the evil things being evil, okay. But people being that wrong, well, it's pretty wrong.
I can't remember who posted the thing about the McDonald's commercial, but I just saw it last night! And it really *is* Dean, isn't it? So funny. "Is it hot?" Heh.
It was me!! Oh, thank goodness. I needed for someone here to see it, too - it's just too perfect.
I don't watch enough tv to randomly run across it. Somebody should upload it to YouTube. ("Bring me a fahrting panda!") Because I really want to see it!
I've looked, but I can't find it. Yet. I will persevere.
It really is *so* Dean. Just ... the look on his face is, "The *flower's* for you, you moron! The burger is mine!"
Dean and Joey share a similar attitude to food, really. As in, do NOT share it.
I can't remember who posted the thing about the McDonald's commercial, but I just saw it last night! And it really *is* Dean, isn't it? So funny. "Is it hot?" Heh.
I know! I think McDonald's Guy is my new TV Boyfriend.
I have not seen this commercial.
Me neither.
BTW, we got a great "first look" at
Friday the 13th
when we saw MBV3d on Saturday. (Plus, a Coraline trailer in 3d which ROCKED.)
Sneak peek at this week's episode.