and then you have to watch it., you really don't. Unless you feel your experience of his acting career is incomplete without it.
You heard the story of the girl who took the dvd of Devour (along with the dvd of New York Minute or House of Wax, I forget which, for Jared to sign) to a con, stood in line for autographs. When Devour was handed to Jensen, he looked up at her, "You *bought* this?" When she nodded, he shook his head, almost reluctant to sign it. "This was *not* the movie I read."
Sumi, the CW usually is out of the loop on politicish things. Let's hope that tradition contiues.
and then you have to watch it., you really don't.
Really really don't. For the love of God.
BTW, as I was looking at that Vancouver thing---the Stargate Convention sounds much cooler. Set tours, picture taken by a Gate or puddlejumper. And it costs less. Damn you Winchesters for keeping me in this fandom when I could have been with the cool stuff.
It's a little too late on the "don't watch", thanks to Plei.
Maybe I can avoid watching again?
I WARNED YOU. I think. I mean, I'm pretty sure I warned you.
Well, I am now forewarned.
And in case it actually needs to be said: I hear that the JP movie about the crappy painter is also crap.
I saw that on a shelf in Best Buy during my Christmas shopping, and nixed myself from buying it on the rationale that if it was now out that means I could get it from Netflix. And then only my queue would know.
Out of a sense of morbid curiosity, I just checked in on that eBay auction for the "private" lunch with JP... the bidding is currently up to $770!!!
I bet we are all going to be surprised when the final bid is in. I'm keeping it on my watch list so that I can see what price it is at the end.
The Christmas Cottage is sweet. Belongs on the Hallmark channel. It's no worse than any of the other seasonal movies at that time. But it is some of the worst acting I've ever seen JP perform. He cries and it is just embarrassing. I say that with love in my heart, but ...ugh.
I WARNED YOU. I think. I mean, I'm pretty sure I warned you.
You did. As you were handing me the dvd.
You did. As you were handing me the dvd.
Plei's warnings are tricksy like that.