I hope that comes to something.
It's called The Palmer Drought on a web page Sam is looking at in the first episode, and then in the last episode they dismiss cattle deaths as being drought-related. Not something I would have caught without being a tad obsessive.
I've already seen one fic where Dean is communicating with "a trucker from Canada named Bruce" and happy endings all round, apparently. I didn't actually read it.
Horror vs urban fantasy is too fine a distinction for me to assess.
I think of urban fantasy as a blanket term for modern day supernatural stories, usually with a minority knowing the truth. Horror can be sci fi, anything, and depends on a visceral reaction of chills for the audience. Supernatural has never delivered that to me three episodes in a row, maybe not even two.
Lots of emotions I really like, but not all nausea and shuddering. AHS season 3 was definitely both urban fantasy and horror, by my evaluation, for instance.
It feels like pretty few people (authors) remember the boys had never encountered vampires or done an exorcism until after the series starts. It makes sense for monsters to repeat because it gives boundaries to the universe, and gives us worldbuilding that helps with familiarity and immersion into the ongoing story (for me). Granted, I'm motherfucking tired of Crowley and irritated with their version of Hell, but the balance of recurring monsters is fine with me, and same with recurring characters.
We've had them in jeopardy from a Greek muse and a vengeful human (on the same quest as John and the boys, but wrong) and a new kind of witch, as well as clarification on how they work (I like the idea that she's evil, even if she's not demon-bound--we shall have to see how it plays out, though).
Oh, and hotly, I liked that Sam not just reads exorcisms (backwards and forwards), but he clearly understands enough Latin to translate on the fly. I'm assuming (no slight intended) Dean can't do that. But Sam seems to have forgotten his S3 car maintenance classes. Or he should stick to jacking the classics like Dean and Cas.